A subject that I often stumble upon in various articles, conferences and comments is the question of content being “native 3D” and this is often used in opposition to converted content. First, let’s clarify the question of “native 3D”. I think that the usage in this context is abusive and that it is a bias…
Author: Stéphanie Maude Savard
3DTV without glasses?
The question of glasses required to watch 3DTV has been a recurring one for quite some time and it still seem to bother some people. One thing that is fundamental in understanding the issue is that the current generation of 3D (on television but also in theatre) is not the same 3D as you perceive…
YouTube wants you to spend more time there
Just read an interesting article about YouTube in the New Yorker and it makes be comes back to one my favorite subject: Distribution. According to that paper, YouTube is in the process to launch what they call “YouTube Original Channels” and what strikes me is that it is basically the same model that has been used…
IBC “3D Day”: Agree to disagree?
With rain and heavy wind outside, it was better to sit still and enjoy the various presentation on 3D today. I think the biggest consensus that we can find on 3D is that there is no consensus. Some think that you should have an experience tailored to each type of screen you target (IMAX, Theater,…
IBC “3D day”
Weather is definitivelly not great this morning in Amsterdam… colder a bit of rain (remnant of Hurricane Katia) so it was better to be in a conference room than outside. And at least the morning session titled “Delivering 3D to the Audience” was one of the most fun so far, nice to kick off “3D…
IBC: Connected TV session, the myth of two screens
The sun is shining on Amsterdam today and the green seems greener. Every time that I am in The Netherlands and it’s nice and sunny I would like to move here… off course if you do, you then realize that it is so green and nice because most of the time it’s cloudy and rainy!…
A matter of trust
Well, it seems that trust is a popular theme at IBC 2011 today! In a panel called “Personalized Media: Tailoring content, Respecting privacy” the panel seemed to believe that they were different from other organisations where data breaches had happen. This was particularly the case with Gil Whitehead from Channel 4 in the UK who…
Trust us!
One thing that annoys me constantly is “moral high ground” and it seemed to be the constant theme at the IBC session titled “How Wikileaks, Facebook and Twitter changed news production forever”. First from Kevin Bakhurst from the BBC and this is actually no surprise. The BBC always represent itself as that great organization that…
IBC 2011 begins with Social Media in mind
A grey beginning to my IBC 2011 today. When I walked out of the Keynote session (featuring Joanna Shields from Facebook) I had a glimpse at rare sunshine rays in an otherwise grey sky. Unfortunately, there was no such occasional sun rays in the grey keynote session. The discussion about Facebook and television didn’t bring anything new…
NAB 2011: OLED finally!
In professional television one of the most important thing is to be able to know how your product really look. The closest we had to be able to see the picture with a minimum of artifacts was CRTs Monitor. However, for half a decades, professional grade CRTs have basically disappeared and there was nothing to…