I have been back from NAB 2014 in Las Vegas for a week now and I am still a bit overwhelm. This is strange for me as I had became a bit blasé by those trade shows through the years. Usually, progress is incremental and doesn’t change things fundamentally. There have been time when you…
Author: Stéphanie Maude Savard
The “New” Grass Valley: Localized Content
At the press event of the “new: Grass Valley yesterday, they did formally announced that the new merged unit of Belden combining Miranda and Grass Valley will be called Grass Valley. They will however keep the Miranda purple and elliptical logo. The new Grass Valley president Marco Lopez (coming from the Miranda unit) did clarify…
NAB 2014: 4K, HEVC and Internet
The real NAB Show began this morning in Las Vegas by a beautiful sunny day. The “real” because that was the first morning of the exhibit. The conference program began on Saturday but for me, the main interest of NAB is the exhibit as the conference program seems to always be less interesting than others…
NAB 2014: The Inflection Point
The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) convention has opened with it’s conference program today (the exhibition starts on Monday). I think that this year’s edition is happening at a very significant time; this is the year when the networking technology has reach a point where it can compete favorably with the dedicated infrastructure. This is…
Avid moves to the Salesforce.com model
Usually, my annual presence to the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) convention begins on Sunday. That day, I generally attend the key press conference, that gives me the chance to know what the large players in the broadcast market are focusing on before the show floor opens on Monday. This year, I got to Las…
Miranda becomes Grass Valley
Just in time for NAB 2014, Belden did announce that both of their professional video manufacturers Miranda and Grass Valley will be known as the “New Grass Valley”. The new merged organisation will retain the Miranda purple but the Grass Valley name. This was to be expected as it makes sense to keep the better…
So Long, Harris Broadcast
I had a long history with Harris Broadcast. My first summer job when I was 15 back in 1980 was a radio host in an eastern Canada radio station. I was doing my own technical operation with an Harris mono console with large rotary knobs and playing records with heavy-duty Harris turntable. Harris has never…
Quantel acquires Snell
In a not so surprising move, Quantel did announced the acquisition of Snell today. In a news release, the company is of course very upbeat about it qualifying it of a “new force in media technology”. Well, I am not sure I’ll be that quick to say that. Is combining two companies that have a…
Software R&D: From Waterfall to Scrum, Promoting waste
It’s interesting to observe the trends in software R&D over the years. There are two different approach in the market place and each promote waste in it’s own way. This has a very significant impact on the job market and on organisation and this is why I am touching this in this post. Waterfall The…
All Head Hunters are Parasites?
I am beginning a new blog series today about jobs, work and the technology sector. I published an blog entry last year call So…I am overqualified which generated significant reactions and that inspired me do this series. I have been the hiring manager for well over 100 positions in my 30 year career. With an average…